
Rotary vane vacuum pump

Rotary vane vacuum pump

Rotary vane vacuum pump

A full range of rotary vane vacuum pumps from single-stage to two-stage

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Vacuum unit and vacuum system

Vacuum unit and vacuum system

Vacuum unit and vacuum system

Tailor made energy-saving, efficient and stable vacuum system

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Rotary vane vacuum pump

Rotary vane vacuum pump

Rotary vane vacuum pump

A full range of rotary vane vacuum pumps from single-stage to two-stage

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Pronotek is a supplier of vacuum pump and vacuum system solutions with Italian Research & development, and manufacturing technology. With nearly 30 years of experience in the field of vacuum pump and vacuum system manufacturing, it entered the Chinese market in 2017. Pronotek brand can provide a complete range of various vacuum pumps and vacuum systems, providing the most extensive industrial vacuum technology and applications in the world. Learn more about pronotek Enterprises!

Comprehensive information about Pronotek

Vacuum pump application

Each punoc vacuum pump can meet the needs of customers under different application conditions


From R & D and design, material selection, finishing, to assembly of finished products, as well as final inspection and quality management, the company has a complete consistent system


From R & D and design, material selection, finishing, assembly of finished products, and final inspection and quality management, the company has a complete consistent system

Quality management

From R & D and design, material selection, finishing, assembly of finished products, and final inspection and quality management, the company has a complete consistent system

  • Technology

  • Equipment

  • Quality management

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Italian R & D and manufacturing technology

The world's leading manufacturer of vacuum pumps and vacuum systems


  • Building A, North District, Goldman Sachs Science Park, Nancheng District, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

  • +86 (0769) 8978 4003

  • +86 (0769) 2202 6929

  • sales@pronotek.com

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