


PRONOTEK vacuum technology helps you improve packaging efficiency and quality!

Food vacuum packaging and processing

Maximize your productivity and performance

Industry largely relies on modern production process of vacuum technology. The Pronotek vacuum system enables the production process to be cleaner, smarter, more economical and environmentally friendly. Our pumps and accessories can be supplied as individual components or as fully systematized, factory-tested combinations.

Maximize your productivity and performance

With the change of social consumption habits and the improvement of attention to food safety, vacuum technology is more and more widely used in the field of packaging and food processing. Food processing covers a wide range of applications, and vacuum is often used for different characteristics.

Application advantages of PRONOTEK vacuum packaging

According to your demand for vacuum under various working conditions in the field of vacuum packaging application, PRNOTEK vacuum provides you with appropriate PRNOTEK vacuum products from the perspectives of efficiency, energy consumption, service life and environmental protection.

PRONOTEK vacuum technology helps you improve packaging efficiency and quality!

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Italian R & D and manufacturing technology

The world's leading manufacturer of vacuum pumps and vacuum systems


  • Building A, North District, Goldman Sachs Science Park, Nancheng District, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

  • +86 (0769) 8978 4003

  • +86 (0769) 2202 6929

  • sales@pronotek.com

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